
Friday, February 18, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Thank you Katie from First is a Fairytale, Mrs. Buckley from Diary of a First Grade Teacher, and Stephanie from First Grade Fabulous Fish for my very first blog award!  Thank you Katie, Mrs. Buckley, and Stephanie!!!

 Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

Seven things about me:
1.  My favorite colors are blue and green.
2.  Hi, my name is Dana and I am a chocoholic.     :) 
3.  A long time ago, I imagined myself having three kids, all by the age of 30.  Now that I will be 29 in August of this year (and we do not have any children yet), I am pretty sure that is not going to happen.  :(
4. Even though I am only subbing right now, I have read a bunch of professional development books so that once I finally do find a job I will be ready (some of the titles are below on my Shelfari shelf).
5.  I have a serious addiction (please see #4)   :)
6.  I have a pony.  She is still living at my parent's house.  She was my Christmas present when I was 4 - she is the same age as me.
7.  I pretty much fell on my face in front of the third grade class I was subbing for today.  Literally.  See, I was outside (beautiful weather today!!!) picking them up from recess.  I saw one of the boys at the back of the line run out of line and pick up something (looked like a stick or piece of mulch).  I backed toward the door with the class following me and I was asking him to please leave whatever he picked up outside.  Right as I turned around I reached a low step (yep, I forgot there was a step there).  I pitched forward, unable to catch my balance and landed with my face 2 inches from the concrete step.  The palms of my hands and one of my knees are skinned up for the first time in probably around 20 years.  Yikes.  I got back up right away, told the teacher who had gone in before me that I was ok, and turned around to see twenty-five 3rd graders gaping at me.  Then they all started asking if I was ok and one sweet girl asked me if I needed to go to the nurse.  I was so embarrassed, but I am sure that it could have been worse.  ;)

15 great bloggers who are getting this award next:

Diary of a First Grade Teacher

Fabulous First Grade and Other Shenanigans

Fantastic First

Finally in First

First Grade Teaching

 K: Double Stuffed

Kindergarten Hoppenings

Ladybug's Teacher Files

Love to Reed

Mrs. Lewis' Learning Library

One Extra Degree

Persnickety Pickles

Really Roper

Snippets by Sarah

The First Grade Sweet Life


Diary of a First Grade Teacher said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing blog. I am awarding you the Stylish Blogger Award from Mrs. Buckley at

Sarah Paul said...

Thank you so much Dana! So excited:)

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